Ecco Shoes
Microsoft’s business applications are very scalable, offering companies an opportunity to scale this up over time as the business grows
M. Drummy is the Irish wholesaler and retailer for ECCO, the footwear brand. The family-run company has 12 shops and three concession-run department stores, in locations such as Arnotts in Dublin.
We always struggled to get our hands on the information we wanted. Now that’s not an issue, we can get on with business.
Ecco Shoes
Paul Lyons, Operations Director
Ecco wanted to provide managers with daily interactive reports covering sales, purchasing, stock and distribution.
“From a finance perspective, a sale transaction that happens in the till has about fifteen knock-on effects,” explains operations director Paul Lyons.
“If you do a transaction in a sale, that affects all of the bank balances, right down to the P&L, so from the finance perspective, once that transaction happens at the till, there’s an immediate effect on all the accounts that relate to that store. That would have all been done manually, transferring information from one system to the other.” It all added up to difficulties in getting accurate business information to help manage the company. “It took time to get reports together, you could never get real-time information from the one system. We always had to go to two or three different places to see it all. There was a tendency that they might be conflicting when we produced the figures.
Improved cashflow management
Accurate inventory
Ease of use
Tighter control of purchasing
The Solution
The company took close to nine months to review the available packages with the help of an external consultant, to decide on the most suitable and then undergo a review of its processes to make the software project fit hand in glove with the business.
The point of sales specialist provider Store Computer Technology, as its preferred suppliers to supply and implement Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Microsoft Dynamics RMS. “In the end Microsoft had the complete package from our perspective, mixing retail, wholesaling and finance into one,” says Lyons. There was some work required to make sure Drummy’s business processes aligned closely to the functions in Dynamics NAV, as this would make any future changes to the software much easier to accommodate in the business.
Solution Statistics
Staff members
Partners made this year
5 star
Staff upskilling rating