ERP for Discrete Manufacturing
Transform the heart of your manufacturing business, design, plan, cost, schedule, execute and track operations more efficiently than you ever thought possible.
Yes, we know that many manual processes and silo systems have served manufacturers well for decades. But their day has passed. In our globalised world, powerful and disruptive forces now drive the fundamentals of demand and supply. If you’re ready to compete in this new world and grow, then we’re ready to help you transform.
Could this solution help you and your business?

With our specialist experience we can turn Dynamics Business Central for Discrete Manufacturing into a bespoke, futureproof solution just for you. From then on you’ll forecast, design, plan, cost, schedule, execute and track operations more efficiently than you ever thought possible.
Give yourself end-to-end visibility in real time
Through our system you’ll have eyes on all your processes, all the time. That won’t just give you faster throughput and more on-time deliveries. By capturing instant financials data, you’ll also have a pin-sharp picture of job costs and profits. And, of course, when you or your customer needs to know job progress, your people will always have an answer there and then.

Say goodbye to manual job cards and excel updates
Paperwork was never productive. Your system will put you in control while automating a whole range of routine tasks. Efficiency increases, costs reduce, while the threat of expensive human errors is removed.
The risk-free way to flexibility
Changes to work in production (especially at the last minute) are a way of life in your world. When they come along, our system will automatically accommodate them. Again, you avoid the risk of human error. Which means you can say ‘yes’ to your customers without gritting your teeth.
Create dependable plans faster
Accuracy at the beginning means a smoother process right through from original proposal to CAD, procurement, shop floor to delivery. This same accuracy will also inform your estimates, and allow you to compare actual costs to protect profitability.
Look into the future with confidence
The system’s real-time reporting will inform your decision making at every level. From day-to-day issues like balancing forecasts with future supply to your big strategic planning.

Dynamics 365 Business Central ERP for Discrete Manufacturing. Our team turns complexity into streamlined efficiency
We’ll take time to get under the skin of your business. Then we’ll design a system that fits your individual needs now – and into the future. We’ll do all the work of the transformation, minimising disruption and cost. And we’ll train your people to help everyone get the most out of the result – with clear visibility and streamlined end-to-end operations.
ERP Add-ons
Connect your financials, sales, service and operations with Dynamics 365 Business Central.